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Eight Effective Ways to Add Physical Activity to Your Life

Almost 100% of office workers lead a sedentary lifestyle, and this is harmful to their health. Natalia Gridina, a service doctor, told about ways to help add activity to your daily routine.

Photo: Gary Hershorn / Reuters
Photo: Gary Hershorn / Reuters

Only one in five Russians walks 10,000 steps a day, an approximate amount needed to maintain heart tone and well-being. This result was shown by a survey of CDEK and the Guldog service. At the same time, almost a third of respondents walk less than 5 thousand steps a day, of which 11% do not even fulfill the minimum bar of 3 thousand steps.

Our study confirms these findings: more than a third of the participants admitted that they lead a passive lifestyle. Another 40% said they spend more than eight hours a day in a sitting position. Worst of all things with physical activity are in:

  • IT specialists (96% of the surveyed employees from this area lead a predominantly passive lifestyle);
  • employees of the financial sector (95%);
  • civil servants (82%);
  • logisticians (80%);
  • marketers and PR-specialists (78%).

And most complain that there is not enough time for sports. Some also say that going to the gym is lazy. If you, too, find it difficult to fit physical activity into your schedule, then the tips below may be helpful. But first, let’s figure out why do it at all.

Why is it important to play sports

First of all, regular physical activity improves health. Exercising for at least 150 minutes a week, as recommended by the World Health Organization, reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart attack and other serious diseases. Physical activity also helps to normalize the level of sex hormones in men and women.

In addition, playing sports helps keep the body in good shape. After a continuous workout lasting 45 minutes, lipolysis is activated in the body - the breakdown of fatty acids. It is this process that contributes to weight loss. Therefore, those who want to lose weight should exercise a little longer than this time.

Finally, exercise improves the quality of life. For example, they help to improve sleep and relieve stress, and also cheer up - endorphins are produced in response to micro-tears in the muscles during sports, they dull pain and give a feeling of joy. Runners even have a special name for this condition - “runner’s euphoria.” It is not necessary to train intensively to feel the positive effects of physical activity. A simple walk is often enough to increase productivity and creativity.

How to be more active every day

1. Instead of a car or public transport , use a bike, rollerblades or a skateboard . And if the distance is short, walk.

2. In the store, take not a trolley, but a basket. This is an easy way to strengthen muscles. Arrange the purchased products into packages to carry approximately the same load in both hands and evenly distribute the load.

3. Choose the kind of physical activity that brings joy and pleasure . So the desire to engage will be higher, respectively, it will turn out to train regularly. There is no point in forcing yourself to go to the gym at least once a week if you really enjoy skiing, trampolining or playing tennis. It is best to alternate between different activities that you like, and then the load will be completely invisible.

4. If you like strength or functional training, but do not have the opportunity to go to a fitness club, try online classes or buy a machine, such as an ellipsoid that simulates walking. Planning home workouts is much easier than going to the gym regularly, which means it will be easier to incorporate them into your routine. In addition, all the necessary equipment (mat, elastic bands, dumbbells) can be easily ordered online.

5. Get a dog (or take your cat outside if she likes it). Walking with your pet can be a good way to diversify your activity throughout the day. Try to go out at least once a week for more than 10-20 minutes. This will be useful not only for the owner, but also for his pet: animals are also prone to weight gain, and their health deteriorates from a sedentary lifestyle.

6. If you enjoy long walks, try Nordic walking. This is a great workout for the heart and almost every muscle in the body. She also has very few contraindications, so almost everyone can do it.

7. Skip the elevator and walk up the stairs. This is one of the easiest ways to add heart-healthy cardio to your life.

8. If you love listening to music, make it a habit to dance to it at home. The most important thing is not to be shy, because no one sees you anyway. 20-30 minutes of active dancing to your favorite songs can become a great healthy habit. It’s especially good to move to music in the morning as a workout or between work tasks to cheer up and increase productivity.


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