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Five Habits That Will Help You Live Longer

You can increase your chances of a long life by incorporating a few simple habits into your routine. MyGenetics experts Vladimir Volobuev and Valery Polunovsky spoke about them.

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Photo: Freepik

Eternal life is a question that has worried the best minds of mankind throughout history. What people have not tried to prolong their existence for at least a few years: from bathing in the blood of a deer to freezing in cryogenic chambers. Dystopias about immortal existence beat all records of popularity, and the younger generation is fond of vampires and elves, who are also endowed with this gift, according to the fiction of the writers.

But do such aspirations look so fantastic? Science gives a very clear answer to this. And there is two news here: good and bad. Let’s start with the bad - there is a certain biological limit inherent in our DNA, it is about 120 years. The good news is that it is quite possible to live to this age.

We will tell you about some mechanisms and habits that will help with this.

1. Intermittent fasting.

One of the body’s renewal mechanisms is autophagy. Cells take apart unnecessary or dilapidated elements and recycle them to get energy. Along the way, they get rid of intermediate metabolic products, viruses and bacteria. It is a bit like a general cleaning, after which there is no garbage left in the cage. For the discovery of this phenomenon, the Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi received the Nobel Prize in 2016.

Autophagy is stimulated by calorie restriction, as well as athletic endurance training. The most studied way to start the process of recycling in cells is intermittent fasting. There are various modifications of it, but the most commonly used diet is when food can be taken only for six hours a day. Studies show that this technique can reduce the risk of diseases associated with aging, including cardiovascular, oncological and neurodegenerative diseases.

Doctors and scientists, however, do not recommend sticking to such a diet all the time, so as not to get the opposite effect. It is better to limit yourself to short courses. Depending on the format, this may be one day a week or several days once a month. It is also important to consult a doctor and make sure that such experiments do not harm your health. In particular, it is important to take care of the diet and to prevent deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

2. Aerobic physical activity.

For example, running, cycling, walking. It is moderate-intensity aerobic exercise that reduces the risk of many age-related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease. And cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in Russia (47% of cases). Cardio loads contribute to the fact that harmful cholesterol does not linger in the bloodstream, and thereby protect the heart and blood vessels. To achieve this effect, every day you need to train for at least 30 minutes.

3. Refusal of smoking and alcohol.

You can be as ironic as you like about the fact that a drop of nicotine kills a horse, and laugh at the pictures on cigarette packs, but science is adamant. Smoking increases the risk of many diseases, including various types of cancer, diabetes, and diseases associated with endocrine disorders. Quitting smoking can also extend a person’s life by an average of 10 years.

With alcohol, things are not so clear. In this case, dosage is important : the risk of cardiovascular disease increases, and life expectancy decreases if a person consumes the equivalent of two servings of ethyl alcohol (40 ml) at a time. This is about two glasses of champagne or two and a half mugs of beer. Avoiding regular alcohol consumption increases life expectancy by at least 6.9 years.

4. Balanced diet.

This is the foundation of health. Perhaps today everyone already knows that eating fatty foods is harmful, and vegetables and fruits are the opposite. We will not repeat the recommendations of nutritionists, we will only advise as a good habit to eat more leafy vegetables and spices - 2-3 servings of 100 g per day. Also, special attention should be paid to turmeric, rosemary, chili and ginger. In addition to the main macro- and micronutrients, these products contain a large amount of antioxidants and inducers of physiological antioxidants. These substances protect the body from free radicals and prevent the occurrence of cancer.

5. Sufficient sleep and elimination of chronic stress.

The importance of healthy sleep in the life of a modern person cannot be underestimated. Its constant deficiency leads to chronic stress for the body and undermines the immune system. As a result, the risk of a wide range of diseases increases. Excess of the stress hormone cortisol destroys the muscles and bones of a person. It has also been linked to the onset of type 2 diabetes. So daily sleep for 7-8 hours a day in a ventilated dark room will allow you to live longer and be healthier.

These five ways will work for most people. But it is important to remember that each person is different. Even identical twins have different genes. That is why situations are possible when someone smoked a pack a day and lived to be 100 years old. But this is rather an exception to the rule, and a healthy lifestyle remains the easiest way to longevity.

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